My husband had his latest lung wash on Friday, May, 8 2015. He went back for surgery at about 8:15 or so and was finished by 2pm! Previous surgeries times were running about 8 hours each. This wash was conducted on the left lung for the first time.
When the doctors and RN's listened to his lungs he was told they didn't hear any wheezing.
We left Houston and came back home on May 11th. His O2 levels this morning were much higher than they had ever been. Where before he was reading 85-90 with a resting heart rate at over 110 - never below, this morning after getting up to go to the restroom - his O2 read 95 and his heart rate at 93!
This is so much of an improvement - he has a follow up with his doctor's in two weeks and we are hoping and praying his numbers stay great!